
Book: Hige no Denka Nikki (The Diary of the Bearded Prince)

by The Late H.I.H. Prince Tomohito of Mikasa
Editorial Supervisor H.I.H. Princess Akiko of Mikasa
Shogakukan Inc. JPY4,400 (incl. tax)
ISBN: 9784093888592
This is a compilation of short essays and diaries by the late HIH Prince Tomohito of Mikasa, former Honorary Patron of the Japan-British Society, who passed away in June 2012. In this book, Prince Tomohito of Mikasa presents his views on various matters, including social welfare, his friends and secretarial staff, his daughters, and also the illness that afflicted him in his later years. To mark the 10th anniversary of Prince Tomohito of Mikasa’s death, the Society hopes many members will read this book in memory of our former Honorary Patron.