The current net-TV FX hit series Shogun, based on James Clavell’s 1975 novel, has revived interest in William Adams (1564-1620), the first Englishman accepted into Japanese society at the dawn of the 17th century. Creator Suguru Minamide presents an unusual dinner show of words and music centred around letters Adams wrote describing his fateful voyage from Europe and his life in Japan. Original music composed by Suguru Minamide and improvisations will be performed on piano and synthesizer by himself and Ayaka Yonemoto. Adam’s words will be presented in slightly modernized form by the English actor, writer and narrator Stuart Varnam-Atkin.
Time and Date: Saturday, 26th October from 1830
Place: Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan
Price: JPY13,200 (includes 1st drink, dinner & concert)
JPY9,900 for FCCJ members and guests
Booking by 22nd October FCCJ TEL: 03-3211-3161
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